“Space” collaboration with Solarstone and Robert Nickson

While yesterday the new Solarstone album was released, Robert Nickson anticipates a music piece composed by both really interesting.

Each work is divided according to a style or a fairly precise idea, the pink and blue albums for example are a journey through the Solarstone of the last period that underlines its pure musical style with something old but also new novelties.
The third album, the yellow one, is even anticipated by Robert Nickson, who through a post published yesterday, talks about the work done together with Richard present in this box set.


“Voyager II” projects us directly into space in zero gravity, both producers have always evoked sounds that leave room for feelings that could be felt in those conditions and both, let’s remember, are the symbol of an increasingly nostalgic trance.

It is likely that this collaboration will be published later as an single, for now we can only enjoy it together with the entire work of English producer.

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