Real risk that ADE will be canceled

New government regulations in the Netherlands until November 1 are rescheduling nightlife music projects

The initial reopening of clubs and discos in this summer season have unfortunately led to a resurgence of Covid cases also in the country of tulips, this again prompted the government to close the discos for at least two months and to leave only bars and restaurants open with the due distances and to return the curfew from midnight until six in the morning.

It is a hard blow for the clubs to return to closure after more than a year of stoppage, many scheduled events are again starting to be postponed or canceled (see the ASOT 1000), obviously the responsibility is not due only to this type of events even if there were a thousand cases of infections only at the Verknpit Festival last 3 July.

In March of this year, when the vaccination campaign had begun positively, hopes had risen because the great Dutch event was the first to propose its return to the scene in the program for the end of the year, but unfortunately there is a need to rewrite a new wait, apparently for the nightlife.

This type of event has always yielded a lot on an economic level, especially with regard to concerts and live performances, now banned, and it is difficult to imagine a new cancellation right now. A release is expected in the coming days to actually understand the organization’s real intentions.We hope that in a few weeks, things can change positively again and the plan (difficult …) will be revised because the week of the Amsterdam Dance Event is precisely that from 13 to 17 October.

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